Sally Jones Candidate for Mayor of Anyville USA 2024

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Sally Jones for Mayor 2024

Sally Jones isn't one to back down. She's a force to be reckoned with when it comes to protecting families. Sally is a recognized leader in consumer advocacy, and has a proven track record of winning big against powerful interests.

Sally has fought tirelessly for consumers, taxpayers, and the middle class. As a mother of three (3) children, she understands the challenges everyday families face and has the courage to stand up for what's right.

My Key City Initiatives

Our residents deserve a leader who will shake up city hall and get everyone working for the benefit of all of us, not just an elite few. We need a local economy that lifts up families and a society that protects the rights of all. Here are my top three (3) initiatives.

Initiative #1 - Housing & Homelessness

We don’t just have a homelessness crisis; we have a housing crisis. This crisis has been years in the making, and it’s a direct result of the previous administration failing to take ownership of this issue for decades.

We need more housing now, and only Sally Jones can make the policy changes and investments necessary to build quality projects quickly.

Initiative #2 - Invest in Public Schools

My kids attend public schools. From kindergarten to high school, I have seen the incredible dedication of our educators and education support professionals. Yet, with decades of neglect and catering to special interests that want to profit off education.

We need to improve our schools now, and only Sally Jones can make the changes and investments necessary to build quality education programs.

Initiative #3 - Improve Public Safety

Our community should be safe. We need to invest in proven programs to prevent crime, such as gang intervention, youth development, and in policies that’ll provide economic opportunity for all, lower costs of living, and end the school-to-prison pipeline.

We need to improve our police department now, and only Sally Jones can make the changes and investments necessary to build a safer place to live.

A Vote for Sally Jones, is a Vote for Progress.

Sally is running for mayor because our residents deserve our best warrior to stand up to a do nothing administration, and the special interests that try to rig the rules against our families.

Contact Sally at:

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