Meet Sally Jones

Sally Jones need you support and vote on November 4, 2004

Meet Sally Jones

Sally Jones is a member of the Anyville city council.

Jones is widely recognized for his willingness to lead – repeatedly developing, advocating, and implementing innovative and groundbreaking solutions to some of our most challenging issues.

On a wide range of topics including gun safety, marijuana, health care, access to preschool, criminal justice reform, and the minimum wage, Jones stuck her neck out and did the right thing, which often led to many sweeping changes when her policies were ultimately accepted, embraced, and replicated across the city. But major improvements still remain to be addressed and implemented.

Jones’s top priorities for her administration include:

  • tackling homelessness and building more housing,

  • keeping Anyville safe,

  • creating opportunity for all,

  • building a healthier city, and

  • standing up for our values — from civil rights, to environmental protection, access to quality schools at all levels, and justice.

Sally Jones is married to William Goodman. They have three children: Montana, Steven, and Janice.

Sally Jones is a graduate of Anyville City College.

montana is 12 years old, steven is 9 ,and janice 6

my wonderful husband, William and sally were married on June 2, 2004

we have been married for 15 years.

William is a certified financial consultant

Contact Sally at phone (949) xxx-xxxx

Sally was born and raised in Anyville

Unfortunately, I have no winnng lottery ticket numbers to share.

Donate to our campaign. Contributions welcomed. Mail a contribution check to: Sally for Mayor, PO Box 43, Anyville, NY 12345 or use our online campaign form at Maximum contribution is $1,500.

when elected, Ms. Jones will establish a roundtable to review how the city can do it's part to reduce carbon emissions and help combat global warming.

Sally has no position on womens rights or abortion as that is driven by the State laws and regulations.

Sally believes that all residents should have access to affordable healthcare. She also believes that all residents should get a COVID booster shot.

This past winter created numerous potholes and vows to get the cities public works department to make repairs a top priority.

The population of Anyville, New York (USA) is 125,000

it was incorporated in 1945.

The first elected Anyville mayor was Clint Myer in 1945.

There are 100,000 registered Democrates and 25,000 Republicans

The mayoral race is non-partison

The term of Anyville mayor is four years

Andy is the Sally Jones campaign virtual assistant.